Spin Technology

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Spin Technology software | Data Protection Platform - Software Resellers

Spin Technology software | Data Protection Platform

  • SpinOne for Google Workspace
  • SaaS Ransomware Protection
  • SaaS Application Security
  • SaaS Backup & Recovery
  • SpinOne for Office 365
  • SpinOne for Salesforce

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All-in-One SaaS Data Protection Platform for your mission-critical SaaS Apps

SaaS security and ransomware protection designed with enterprise security teams in mind.

SaaS security and ransomware protection designed with enterprise security teams in mind.

Proactive SaaS Ransomware Monitoring and Fast Incident Response, SaaS Apps and Browser Extensions Risk Assessment, SaaS DLP, SaaS Backup & Recovery – All-in-One dashboard

Google Workspace Data Protection Platform

All-in-One, fully automated AI-powered platform for Google Workspace data protection

Google v3 Best Software Reseller | Best Software Providers in India

Enterprise-grade features

Augment your Google Workspace data protection and close major security gaps with enhanced functionality.


AI-powered cloud ransomware protection and recovery

Fully automated 24/7 Google Workspace monitoring detects and stops ransomware within minutes. Complete data recovery takes only up to 2 hours.


SaaS application risk assessment

SpinOne performs a risk assessment for all OAuth applications and Chrome extensions and allows you to create policies to fully automate access management.



SpinOne DLPs supplement those of Google Workspace creating better protection for business-critical data against human error, malicious intent, or malware.


User Management

SpinOne functionality enables security teams to better control and mitigate user-related risks such as unauthorized access, data transfer, and sharing


Security policy orchestration

SpinOne is a single pane of glass for Google Workspace security that provides comprehensive data analysis, highlights incidents, and enables timely responses.

Google Workspace Data Protection Platform

Save IT budget and Admins time. Use one platform instead of multiple tools and add-ons to protect your Google Workspace data.

Ransomware Protection

Reduce downtime after a cloud ransomware attack from 21 days to several hours with hands-free AI-based ransomware monitoring and detection.

Desktop GW Module RSM 2 Best Software Reseller | Best Software Providers in India

Platform GW 2 app security Best Software Reseller | Best Software Providers in India

SaaS Application Security

Decrease the time to detect and assess OAuth Applications and Chrome extensions from 2 weeks to 5 seconds and get comprehensive control over app access.

Data Leak Prevention

Set precise policies to prevent unauthorized data access, leak, and loss due to human error, man-in-the-middle attacks, and zero-day incidents.

Platform GW 3 dlp Best Software Reseller | Best Software Providers in India

Platform GW 4 backup recovery Best Software Reseller | Best Software Providers in India

Backup & Recovery

Automated backups of your mission-critical data to comply with local regulations. Find and recover lost files within minutes.

Challenges for Enterprise

Cloud technologies enhance employee performance. However, they don’t solve the key challenges of a modern enterprise.
SpinOne offers solutions to each of these challenges.


Shadow IT

80% of workers use SaaS applications at work without notifying IT or getting their approval. This results in 975 unauthorized apps per enterprise on average.


Human Error

Human error is responsible for 52% of all data breaches, 58% of service downtime, 75% of all data loss, and up to 90% of all cyber claims


Ransomware issues

A ransomware attack takes place every 11 seconds with a success rate of 73% and an average downtime of 21 days.

Customer Trust Center

Security and privacy of our customer’s data is our number one priority. Spin Technology is committed to ensuring that our security and privacy controls meet or exceed security best practices and regulatory requirements.


We meet security requirements by storing data on trusted cloud providers, encrypting each piece of data we store, and applying best practices of access control.


Hosting Location

Spin works only with the world’s top cloud services providers for storing and processing customer data. At the time of the registration with the Spin application services, customers can choose which cloud services provider to use for their data backups. Our cloud services provider partners are:

Check icon Best Software Reseller | Best Software Providers in IndiaAmazon Web Services (AWS)
Check icon Best Software Reseller | Best Software Providers in IndiaMicrosoft Azure
Check icon Best Software Reseller | Best Software Providers in IndiaGoogle Cloud Platform (GCP)

In addition to the cloud provider choice, Spin customers select a geographical region where their data will be stored. Once selected, your data always remains in that region to ensure compliance with any international data transfer restrictions.


Data Security

Your backed-up data always remains encrypted while at rest and when transmitted. We use only the latest versions of secure algorithms and protocols such as TLS 1.3 for data transmissions and AES-256 for the stored data encryption.

To provide even more protection from a potential data breach, we took the security of stored data to the next level. Instead of implementing encryption at the storage level, we encrypt each backed-up data object (email, document, contact, etc.) with a unique encryption key.


Access Control

Physical access security is provided by the best-in-class data centers maintained by our cloud infrastructure partners (AWS, Azure, and GCP). Spin uses strict logical access controls including strong passwords, multi-factor authentication, and deny-by-default network and system access.

All cloud-hosted system components are only accessible through a bastion host over a secure remote Virtual Private Network (VPN)

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