E signature Legal in India

E signature Legal in India

Docusign is the evolution of e-signatures.

The biggest question is – are electronic signatures legal in India?

1. Yes, eSignatures are legally recognized by the Information technology act 2000.
2. eSignature support to all the citizens who have an Aadhaar ID
3. Each Aadhaar-holder with an Aadhaar-registered mobile number is permitted to digitally sign a report.
4. The eSign administration is encouraged by verifying the Aadhaar-holder utilizing the Aadhar Based E-KYC Administration.
5. In the digital world, an e-signature assures that electronic records are true and real.
6. eSignature is more secure and can’t be forged. Docusign is fast, reliable and can be used from any device 7. It is fast, reliable and can be used from anywhere.
8. Contact software horsepower

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